The Princess from the Hat Mountains The animated bed-time series of cartoons for children (Czech TV production) was made on the basis of a combination of 2D technology with facet and drawing animation technology .The cartoon is supposed to have small children for viewers (3-6 years of age). The benign wizard brings a rabbit to the princess who lives on Hat Hill. The rabbit and the princess immediately take a fancy to each other and become very good friends. There is a castle inhabited by two dwarfs named Kazounek and Pošťucha („Thwarter“ and „Jolly“). The dwarfs heckle the rabbit until he kicks the ball high up the sky – never to fall back on the earth. The princess and the rabbit set forth to search for the ball. The wizard wants to help them and he conjures a magical spaceship for them. However, Kazounek and Pošťucha who join them on their expedition mix things up and do malice as usual – and delay the return to the Hat Mountains. At last, with the help of the benign wizard, all of them get back home happily. – names of parts are situated below the gallery The names of the parts of the series: A Journey to the Hat Hills On the Planet of Shoes Board Game Ludo, Instant A Magical Pea A Luck-Bringing Little Tooth The Pirates and Little Hermits The Way Home A Sombrero Fairy Tale A Bobble Hat Fairy Tale A Bird Hat Fairy Tale Fairy Lamp Feast A Musical Hat Fairy Tale A Flower Hat
Script: Lubomír Dušek
Director: Milada Sukdoláková
Visual: Lubomír Dušek
Animation: Xenie Vavrečková
Dramaturgy: Marie Kšajtová
Music: Jan Hrubý
Voice: Robert Nebřenský

A seven-part educative TV series, each episode covering about 3 minutes The cartoon contains poetry of Czech poets of 19th Century (not necessarily only those ones written for children); the period illustrations and music is also made full use of.
František Ladislav Čelakovský: Pocestný (The Wanderer)
Karel Alois Vinařický: Tluče bubeníček (The Little Drummer)
Karel Hynek Mácha: Máj (May)
Karel Jaromír Erben: Štědrý den (The Christmas Eve)
Karel Havlíček Borovský: Epigramy (The Epigrams)
Jan Neruda: Jak lvové bijem o mříže (Resembling Lions, We Strike against the Bars)
Vítězslav Hálek: Přilítlo jaro z daleka (Spring has come from afar); Žitné pole (The Rye Field)

Thirteen fairy-tales from weird and eerie woods full of traps, pitfalls, surprise but also good-natured helpers. The first part tells us about how the Imp of the Woods got his strange name, how he made friends with a village boy named Kuba (i. e. Jim), and ho he helped the boy to win against the old witch
The parts 1-7 were made in U Sedmi Skal Film Studio by Krátký Film Praha, a.s.; they were made for the purposes of Czech TV.
The parts 8-13 were made in and by U Sedmi Skal Film Studio for the purposes of Czech TV.
Script: Milada Sukdoláková, Lubomír Dušek
Director: Milada Sukdoláková Visual: Milada Sukdoláková
Animation: Alena Meissnerová, Alena Pokorná, Irena Brunnhoferová, Martin Pospíšil
Dramaturgy: Jan Kutálek Music: Jan Hrubý
Voice: Lenka Vychodilová
Editing: Věra Benešová
On-line editing and sound: Jan Kacián

The Birth of the Imp
The old Witch got a Magic Coat, a Whistle, and a Golden Twig from the devils.. The Imp of the Woods was born from the Magic Coat. The Imp makes friends with the village boy Kuba who gives him his name.
The Notorious Housewife
The Witch enchanted Kuba’s mom and, pretending to be a distant relative, she intruded into their house. She treats Kuba badly and wants to get power over Milky the Imp who took away her Whistle from the woods.
The Crone’s Bargaining
All the animals in the farm help Kuba. However, the Witch takes them to town to sell them in the marketplace. Luckily, the Imp’s spell works against her plans and she manages to sell none of the animals. The angry merchants drive the Witch out of the town and the animals come back to the farm.
The Stump
The Witch conjures fairies out of the Magic Coat and tells them to dance with Kuba and the crofter Bohouš in the woods – until they die. However, Bohouš is too stupid and clumsy to be able to dance properly. He tramples the fairies’ feet down and the crone, getting angry with him, turns him into an old stump. Kuba, assisted by Milky the Imp, take the stump to t he village and make Bohouš out of it again.
The Mushrooms
Kuba and Milky the Imp go to pick mushrooms. The Witch ‘s magic makes them get to the deep forest. The Imp lets one of the mushrooms grow up immensely, so that they can have a look round the country from its hat. The Witch sends devils to catch both friends, but after a wild chase Kuba and the Imp manage to flee from them
The Castle of Devils
Kuba is lured by a will-o’-the-wisp and leaves his friend Milky behind. deep in the forest the Witch turns Kuba into a skittle fit for the devils’ skittle-ground. Milky the Imp looks for his friend and at last finds him with other spell-bound people in the underground cellar of the Castle. When fighting the Witch the Imp breaks her evil magic, but himself is turned into a log.
The End of the Witch
The Witch tries once again to catch the boy Kuba by her magic tricks and spells. However, the spring water of a forest brook breaks the power of the witch’s Magic Coat, brings the Imp back to life and sets free other spell-bound people that were under the Witch ‘s control. The witch is rid of her power in this world and the devils take her to hell.
The Black Water
In Hell, the Witch ‘s punishment is to do the washing for the devils. She takes all the devils’ dirty linen, flies out of Hell back to the Earth and forces Kuba to do the washing instead of her. The Imp enchants the devils’ linen – so that it could fight against the Witch itself. Finally, Milky sends the Witch with the Hell’s dirt back to Hell with the help of his Magic Grinder.
The Brooms
The Witch has to sweep the floor in Hell. Her broom breaks down when she dances with it wildly. The Witch turns herself into an old twisted willow and returns to the Earth. Kuba and Milky carry the willow with its wicker on their wheelbarrow to the village. When in the village, the Witch turns all the brooms into soldiers and sends them to get Kuba and the Imp. Milky moves forward the belfry clock hands and the perplexed crone disappears in Hell again.
The Nuts of the Black Rock
The Witch is to make dinner for the devils. She uses her witchcraft and by a chance she manages to acquire a great power. She wants to get magical nuts that were picked by Kuba and Milky just before she could get to them. She animates the stones in the woods and sends them to catch Kuba and Milky. In the very last moment an angel emerges from a rock and saves both friends from the demons.
The Horse-Shoe
The Witch wants Beelzebub himself for her man. However, Beelzebub makes excuses under the pretext of a lost horse-shoe which had just been taken by Kuba and Milky to the village smith Joe. The Witch is afraid of the smith and so under her spell the whole smithy sinks into hell. After a struggle Milky and the smith manage to get the smithy back to the Earth again.
The Horn-Plant
To impress Beelzebub the Witch wants to have the devils’ horns. First she wants to steal them from animals, next she tries the wooden ones on. Milky turns himself into a woodpie and gives the Witch advice: she should try the „Horn-Plant“ that grows on the bottom of a deep forest gorge. Having eaten it, the Witch finds huge deer antlers on her head. She has to break them off to be able to get out of the gorge.
The Crone and the Fountain
Kuba and Milky have cleaned the fountain in a forest glade. The glade soon revives and comes into leaf. This displeases the Witch who wants to turn the glade into wasteland and celebrate her nuptials with Beelzebub there. Now both our friends, supported by forest animals, direct their effort at the fight with the Witch. The water returns to the glade and takes the Witch far away from this country.

SOSmen The Serial Cartoon Story „SOS-Men“. The seven-part serial story for both children and their parents is about how to avoid trouble when rowing on a boat down the river, when climbing in the mountains, when making suntanning, when cycling, or even at a rockconcert. We follow the funny and thrilling incidents and episodes of Sasha, Ondra, Sam, and their friend Hare who usually plots marvellous adventures for his human friends, and then tries as much as he can to help them survive the adventures without being hurt or wounded. The dangerous situations are, of course, only the „mock ones“, but the Hare’s advice which follows when they are over is precise and comprehesible for children. Through the means of an animated film they can learn easily how to avoid various accidents, how not to burst into panic and how to be able to help oneself and others as well.