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Ilustrace knih

Illustration of books

Ivan Bunin, Temné aleje lásky (Dark Avenues of Love)

Short stories about love, about extraordinary moments in human lives. Translated from Russian by Jan Zábrana. Mladá fronta Publishers, Máj Library, Prague, 1982

František Halas, Milostí buď mi tělo tvé (If only your beauty had mercy on me) 

Lyrical verses. A selection of Halas’s Works in 5 volumes, 1968–1983. Československý spisovatel Publishers, Prague,1986.

Jan Zábrana, Jistota nejhoršího (The Worst is Guaranteed)

A selection from Zábrana’s poetic works (posthumous papers). Československý spisovatel Publishers, Klub přátel poezie Library, Prague,1986.

Chemická dobrodružství

Chemical Adventures of Emma & Meena, also starring Professor Burette and his invention – artificial being Chemala, the villain Mr Flea who wants to take possession of Professor’s invention

Chemical Adventures of Emma & Meena

A Spoilt Experiment, or How the Chemala was Created

An Adventure at the River, An Adventure in Mr Flea’s Kitchen

Chemical Adventures II: Robbery, Kidnapping, Fraud

Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 2017

Chemical Adventures III: Mummy, Poisons & Drugs,

and Vandalism of Mr Flea

Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 2018

Chemical Adventures IV: Plague, Aroma, and a Space Travel

Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 2021

Chemical Adventures V: The Underground Trip, The Plastic Island, Lithium 

Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 2022

O raraši Mlíkovi

Thirteen fairy-tales from weird and eerie woods full of traps, pitfalls, surprise but also good-natured helpers. The first part tells us about how the Imp of the Woods got his strange name, how he made friends with a village boy named Kuba (i. e. Jim), and ho he helped the boy to win against the old witch.