Born 14th December 1951 in Prague
He works as a graphic artist, makes book illustrations and graphic art designs for film cartoons.
Education: Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU) where he studied graphic art in the studio of Prof. Ladislav Čepelák.
Solo exhibitions:
1981, Bremen, Germany, Slavia Gallery/ (together with Milada Sukdoláková)
1988, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Umění knihy Exhibition Hall
1988, Geldroup, the Netherlands, Gijzenrooi Gallery
1992, Brno, Czechoslovakia, Stará radnice Gallery
1994, Liberec, the Czech Republic, Oblastní galerie (Regional Gallery)
Participation at joint exhibitions:
1978, Prague, Czechoslovakia. Hollar Gallery, „Nová jména v grafice“ (New Names in Graphic Art)
1988, Prague, Czechoslovakia, U hybernů House, „Setkání Berlín – Praha“ (Berlin – Prague Meetings)
1989, New Delhi, India, „Československá grafika“ (Czechoslovak Graphic Art) /organized by Prague National Gallery/
1990, La Louvrière, Belgium, „Česká grafika“ (Czech Graphic Art)
1992, Driebergen, the Netherlands, „Tak… So… Dus“ Exhibition
1995, Ghent, Belgium, A Czech Graphic Art Retrospective Exhibition
1995, Liberec, the Czech Republic, Regional Gallery, „Černá a bílá“ (Black and White Exhibition)
1996, Prague, the Czech Republic, Galerie bratří Čapků (the Čapek Brothers Gallery), „Černá a bílá“ (Black and White Exhibition)
1996, Hlinsko, the Czech Republic, Regional Gallery „Tři generace“ (Three Generations)
Participation at international exhibitions:
1978, Cracow, Poland, 7th Biennale of Graphic Art
1986, Cracow, Poland, 11th Biennale of Graphic Art
1987, Biella, Italy, Premio internazionale per l’incisione
1987, Grado, Italy, Triennale of the Art of Engraving
1987, Berlin, the GDR, Intergrafik Exhibition
1991, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Yugoslavia), Biennale of Graphic Art
1991, Paris, France, the Salon of Graphic Art
1992, Paris, France, the Salon of Graphic Art
The animated film cartoons:
1988-1990, A thirteen-part bed-time TV series for children „Ucho sem, ucho tam“ (One Ear Here, One Ear There), Art design (Direction: Vladimír Merta).
1991, „Labyrint srdce“ (The Labyrinth of the Heart), Art design (Direction: Ivan Renč).
1996-2001, A thirteen-part TV bed-time series for children „O raráši Mlíkovi“ (The Story of Milky the Imp), Art design and co-authorship of the screenplay (Direction: Milada Sukdoláková).
2004-2005, A seven-part TV educative series for children „SOSáci“ („SOS-Men“) Art design and co-authorship of the screenplay (Direction: Milada Sukdoláková).
2006, „Evropa: Výlet časem“ (Europe: A Travel through Time), Art design and co-authorship of the screenplay.
2007-2008, A seven-part TV series for children „Princezna z kloboukových hor“ (The Princess from the Hat Hills), The topic, screenplay, direction and art design.
2008, „Konec železné opony“ (The End of the Iron Curtain), Art design, co-authorship of the topic and screenplay.
2009-2010, A six-part TV series (No 2) for children „Princezna z kloboukových hor“ (The Princess from the Hat Hills; parts 8-13), The topic, screenplay, direction and art design.
2010, A seven-part educative TV series „Králíkova čítanka“ (The Rabbit’s Reader), Direction, co-authorship of the art design (together with Milada Sukdoláková).
2010, The picture book Princezna z Kloboukových hor (The Princess from the Hat Hills), based on the animated film of the same name by Dušek, was published by Czech TV Publishers.
2012–2013 Animation of an educational/instructional ČTV series „Justice for Everyone“
2014 Participation in preparatory work of the screenplay for the ČTV series „Med-věd“ [short for „Mediální Vědomosti“, i.e. Media Literacy; „medvěd“ = „bear“ in Czech] (media literacy for children)
2015 „Chemical Adventures of Emma & Meena“ – comics for children (co-author: Milada Sukdoláková); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2016 Animated film cartoon on medical emergency service “Hi, What’s the Problem?” and “How a Little Monkey and a Sloth Worked for Emergency Service” (for the purpose of Medical Emergency Service of the Authorities of Central-Bohemian Region)
2017 „Chemical Adventures II: Robbery, Kidnapping, Fraud“ – comics for children (co-author: Milada Sukdoláková); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2018 „Chemical Adventures III: Mummy, Poisons & Drugs, and Vandalism of Mr Flea“ – comics for children (co-author: Milada Sukdoláková); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2018 Screenplay and animation for „See You at Seven at the Horse“. A film on Wenceslas Square, Prague, on its genius loci. Mixture of technologies: animated film cartoon & feature film & archival, historic shots of the square; two parts, each covering 10 minutes. The film was presented at the Zlín Film Festival, 2019
2020 „Guerrillas: What They Really Were Like“ – animation of the documentary film by Břetislav Rychlík
2021 „Chemical Adventures IV: Plague, Aroma, and a Space Travel” – comics for children (co-author: Milada Sukdoláková); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2022 Chemical Adventures V: The Underground Trip, The Plastic Island, Lithium – comics for children; Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

Born 28th May 1956 in Prague
She works as a graphic artist, screenplay writer and director of animated films (cartoons)
Education: Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU) where she studied graphic art in the studio of Prof. Ladislav Čepelák.
Solo exhibitions:
1985, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Umění knihy Exhibition Hall
1988, Geldroup, the Netherlands, Gijzenrooi Gallery
1990, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Umění knihy Exhibition Hall
1994, Louvain / Liège, Belgium, St. Maria Institute
1996, Hlinsko, the Czech Republic, Městské muzeum (Municipal Museum)
Participation at international exhibitions:
1986, Cracow, Poland, 11th Biennale of Graphic Art
1987, Biella, Italy, Premio internazionale per l’incisione
1987, Grado, Italy, Triennale of the Art of Engraving
1994, Cracow, Poland, Triennale
1996, Cadaqués, Spain,Mini print internacional Participation at joint exhibitions in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland Sweden, the UK, Spain, the USA, Japan
The animated film cartoons:
1984, „Kamenné varhany“ (The Stone Organ), art design, co-authorship of the topic and screenplay (Direction: Vladimír Merta).
1988, „Sentimentální příběh“ (A Sentimental Story), art design, co-authorship of the screenplay (Direction: Boris Baromykin) /the animated cartoon was awarded a prize in its category at International Film Festival in Montreal, Canada, 1989/.
1990, „Kouzelná střelnice“ (A Magic Shooting-Range), The topic, art design, co-authorship of the screenplay and co-direction (Direction: Vladimír Merta).
1992, „Labyrint srdce“ (The Labyrinth of the Heart), co-authorship of the art design – together with Lubomír Dušek (Direction: Ivan Renč).
1996-2001, A thirteen-part TV bed-time series for children „O raráši Mlíkovi“ (The Story of Milky the Imp), The topic, screenplay, art design and direction.
2003, „Špatný den“ (A Hard Day) /the author’s presentation/
2004-2005, A seven-part TV educative series for children „SOSáci“ („SOS-Men“) The topic, co-authorship of the screenplay /together with Lubomír Dušek/, The direction.
2006, „Evropa: Výlet časem“ (Europe: A Travel through Time), The direction.
2007-2008, A seven-part TV series for children „Princezna z kloboukových hor“ (The Princess from the Hat Hills), The direction
2008, „Konec železné opony“ (The End of the Iron Curtain), The direction.
2008, The picture book O raráši Mlíkovi (The Story of Milky the Imp), based on the animated film of the same name, Albatros Publishers, Prague /the book, i.e. its illustrations, was nominated for a prize in the book competition „Magnesia Litera“/.
2009-2010, A six-part TV series (No 2) for children „Princezna z kloboukových hor“ (The Princess from the Hat Hills; parts 8-13), The direction.
2010, A seven-part educative TV series „Králíkova čítanka“ (The Rabbit’s Reader), The direction, co-authorship of the art design (together with Lubomír Dušek).
2012-2013 Civil Code for Everyone –animation for Czech TV
2014, Preparatory works for the serie Med-Věd (Media Literacy for Children ) for Czech TV
2015 „Chemical Adventures of Emma & Meena“ – comics for children (co-author: Lubomír Dušek); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2016 Animated film cartoon (the first and only episode of a planned series) on medical emergency service “Hi, What’s the Problem?” and “How a Little Monkey and a Sloth Worked for Emergency Service” (for the purpose of Medical Emergency Service of the Authorities of Central-Bohemian Region)
2017 „Chemical Adventures II: Robbery, Kidnapping, Fraud“ – comics for children (co-author: : Lubomír Dušek); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2018 „Chemical Adventures III: Mummy, Poisons & Drugs, and Vandalism of Mr Flea“ – comics for children (co-author: Lubomír Dušek); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2018 Screenplay and animation for „See You at Seven at the Horse“. A film on Wenceslas Square, Prague, on its genius loci. Mixture of technologies: animated film cartoon & feature film & archival, historic shots of the square; two parts, each covering 10 minutes. The film was presented at the Zlín Film Festival, 2019
2020 „Guerrillas: What They Really Were Like“ – animation of the documentary film by Břetislav Rychlík
2021 „Chemical Adventures IV: Plague, Aroma, and a Space Travel” – comics for children (co-author: Lubomír Dušek); published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
2022 „Chemical Adventures V: The Underground Trip, The Plastic Island, Lithium” – comics for children; Published by University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague